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treevee #


is a V implementation of a parser for the tree format

This is the WIP (work in progress) to provide v support for the tree format of the $mol frontend framework. Use it like this:

import koplenov.treevee

fn main() {
    treeveee.Tree.from_string('simple_config') or { panic(err) }


  • Using vpm: v install koplenov.treevee


Select values:

tree := treevee.Tree.from_string_file('./tests/example_1.tree') or { panic(err) }

// integer
assert tree.value('port').int() == 8079

// string
assert tree.value('port').text() == '8079'
assert tree.value('database_root_password').text() == ''
assert tree.value('default_htaccess').text() == '.htaccess'
assert tree.value('server_name').text() == 'default server name'

Select nested values:

tree := treevee.Tree.from_string_file('./tests/example_2.tree') or { panic(err) }

assert'server', 'auth').kids[0].kids.len == 2
assert tree.value('server', 'auth', 'login').text() == 'root'
assert tree.value('server', 'auth', 'password').text() == 'qwerty'

Select arrays:

tree := treevee.Tree.from_string_file('./tests/example_3.tree') or { panic(err) }
// of strings
assert tree.value('user','hobby').array_of_strings() == ['kendo', 'dance', 'role play']

// of numbers
assert tree.value('user','loved_numbers').array_of_ints() == [7, 21, 42]

Other implementations

fn Span.begin #

fn Span.begin(uri string, source string) Span

Span.begin - Span for begin of unknown resource.

fn Span.end #

fn Span.end(uri string, source string) Span

Span.end - Makes new span for end of resource.

fn Span.entire #

fn Span.entire(uri string, source string) Span

Span.entire - Makes new span for entire resource.

fn Span.unknown #

fn Span.unknown() Span

Span.unknown - Span for begin of unknown resource.

fn Tree.from_string #

fn Tree.from_string(str string) !&Tree

Parses tree format from string.

fn Tree.from_string_file #

fn Tree.from_string_file(path string) !&Tree

fn Tree.from_string_with_uri #

fn Tree.from_string_with_uri(str string, uri string) !&Tree

fn Tree.list #

fn Tree.list(kids []&Tree, span Span) &Tree

fn Tree.struct #

fn Tree.struct(type string, kids []&Tree, span Span) &Tree

Makes struct node.

type TreePath #

type TreePath = string | int

struct Span #

struct Span {
	uri    string
	source string
	row    int
	col    int
	length int

fn (Span) span #

fn (span Span) span(row int, col int, length int) Span

fn (Span) to_string #

fn (span Span) to_string() string

fn (Span) str #

fn (span Span) str() string

struct Tree #

struct Tree {
	//	Type of structural node, `value` should be empty
	type string

	// Content of data node, `type` should be empty
	value string
pub mut:
	//	Child nodes
	kids []&Tree

	span Span

fn (Tree) array_of_bool #

fn (tree &Tree) array_of_bool() []bool

array_of_bool - return bool array reptresentation of text node value.

fn (Tree) array_of_ints #

fn (tree &Tree) array_of_ints() []int

array_of_ints - return int array reptresentation of text node value.

fn (Tree) array_of_strings #

fn (tree &Tree) array_of_strings() []string

array_of_strings - return strings array reptresentation of text node value.

fn (Tree) bool #

fn (tree &Tree) bool() bool

bool - return bool reptresentation of text node value.

fn (Tree) int #

fn (tree &Tree) int() int

int - return int reptresentation of text node value.

fn (Tree) select #

fn (tree &Tree) select(path ...TreePath) &Tree

select - Query nodes by path.

fn (Tree) str #

fn (tree &Tree) str() string

str returns serialized tree node

fn (Tree) string #

fn (tree &Tree) string() string

string - return string reptresentation of text node value. (same as .text() or .str())

fn (Tree) struct #

fn (tree Tree) struct(type string, kids []&Tree) &Tree

Makes new derived structural node.

fn (Tree) text #

fn (tree &Tree) text() string

Returns multiline text content.

fn (Tree) to_string #

fn (tree &Tree) to_string() string

Serializes to tree format.

fn (Tree) value #

fn (tree &Tree) value(path ...TreePath) &Tree

value - Select and unpack first value Tree node by path. Example node.value("port").int() or node.value("config", "port").int() If u need select node without take value, user select